​​The Sacred Music Program

a division of Crystal Rain Institute

I had the pleasure of Conferring a "Doctorate of Sacred Music" upon a great Gospel Music Legend such as Dr. Daryl Coley through my School. I am honored and so was he. Thank you Pastor Jamie Hawkins for working closely with me in preparation to surprise Dr. Daryl Coley on September 15, 2013 at Transforming Love Christian Center in San Lorenzo, CA.

                                         Revelation 4:1-11 (KJV)

Treasures of the Heart International Ministries dba Crystal Rain Institute is a bonafide Church/Church ministry that has a qualified exclusion “Pursuant to §55A-2-02 of the General Statutes of North Carolina," and current status as a Nonprofit Religious Corporation under the Corporation Code. Crystal Rain Institute here in North Carolina works in conjunction with A Ray of Hope Theological Seminary and Bible College, and the primary production company "Kavod Gospel Productions" founded in 1998. KAVOD means Honor, Respect and Divine Glory, and is Co-Owned with her father "Michael W. Verchér. This production company houses all genre's of gospel music; and because of Dr. Danette M. Vercher's passion for music she began the accreditation process in early 2003 for the "The Sacred Music Program," and in December of 2003 her dream became a reality, and Bureau of Private Post Secondary and Vocational Education approved the curriculum, courses, degrees and certifications; and hence are now earned through "A Ray of Hope Theological Seminary and Bible College & Int'l School of Divinity," which is a fully accredited school of Higher Learning, Education and Vocational Rehabilitation; School Code: 25448293. Through Crystal Rain Institute "The Sacred Music Program" will offer ministers of music, choir directors, worship leaders and more the opportunity to express their gifts and talents; become educated, and marketed to their full potential in the field of gospel music. 

Dr. Vercher has been in the entertainment arena since childhood, she knows what it takes to achieve success. Dr. Verchér has been known for her anointed style of praise and worship. "VerShay" is the Artist/Stage name for Dr. Danette M. Verchér, and has been an artist that many Major Artist seek. She is a dynamic background vocalist for all genres. VerShay's ability to add "flavor," "soul," 'ad-Lib" "match vocals", "stand still" and "parts" vocalist for major artist; and carry their melodies is what she does. Dr. Verchér has worked for Concert Entertainment, Solar Records and Solar Productions. She has the qualities that producers look for when searching out a match for their artist. Dr. Verchér has been a hidden gem for years, and now God has released her to advance gospel music for the Kingdom of God.  Dr. Verchér is an Artist often called upon to stand in with Major Artist and Flow as an enhanced ad-liber....She WILL make you SING!!!!




NOTE: This Credential is only given by recommendation to Dr. Danette M. Verchér for musician's/artist's that have excelled in the field of Music, and the different "Genre's" of Gospel Music. As their contribution to the quality of music inspired by God has uplifted the standard of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

This establishment has bestowed honors on the late great Bishop Dr. Walter Hawkins in 2005, as well his brother Dr. Edwin Hawkins in 2005; and Honored Daryl Coley in 2013. Dr. Verchér has many mentors in the music industry and seeks to give back to those who poured into her; stay tuned for more names to be added to the awesome lists of gospel artist/entertainers.

During the Edwin Hawkins and Walter Hawkins 2005 Music and Arts Love Fellowship Conference in Los Angeles. I had the pleasure of CONFERRING the"Doctorate of Sacred Music Degree." Thank you Dr. Marcia Pittman for flying me out so I could bless my Mentors and Gospel Legends.

The Sacred Music Degree is a professional level degree for persons engaged in parish music ministries as a cantor, director or minister of music, pastoral musician, pastor of worship, organist, etc. or in other contexts in which the individual serves in a sacred capacity, but not limited to, such as music missionary, drummer, voice coach, symposium instructor, etc.

The Doctor of Sacred Music (D.S.M.) is designed to enable the candidate to develop a sequence of ten units which will focus on the area of sacred music previously lacking in the candidate's training, or focus on taking an area of musical expertise to a higher level.  Students may specialize in a performance area, musical composition, research, traditional or non-traditional styles as long as it is for religious purposes of preserving the art of the sacred music we hold as sacred (hymns, spiritual songs, praise and worship).

The combination of short-term courses, seminars, workshops, lectures, recitals, choral/instrumental or vocals performances of original work will be the basis for a traditional thesis or set of works, or the development of an in-ministry activity in the students particular area of interest.

This degree is a 30 credit program that may may be completed in 1 year, and no more than 3 years.



CORE Workshop Symposium Curriculum:

*Worship Evangelism (taught at instructors discretion)
*Biblical characteristics of a good "director/conductor
*Expectations of a Praise Team and Leader
*Deepen your understanding of Worship
*Review Biblical Foundations of Praise and Worship
*Apply key principals of praise and worship to your own life
*Commitment and Expectations 
*Practice/Execution of Praise and Worship Songs
*Certificate of Completion given at the end of the
workshop w/2 credit hours earned toward any degree program.
Key Principle: KAVOD = Honor, Respect & Divine Glory.

The purpose of praise leaders is to lead the people of God in praise and worship of God. 2 Chronicles 5:12-14


The Sacred Music Workshop Symposium Will Have Awesome Local And Surrounding Area Minister's of Music, Director's, Musician's, and Worship Leader's At Your Disposal For Authentic Information, Presentations, Answers, and Some Good Ole Old School Foot Stomping Music.
         Stay Tuned....We May Be Coming To A City Near You!