Paternal Grandmother

Amlie Phoebe Sarah Hall (Sarah Rawls) (HALL)

b. 1926 d. 1993

Choctaw Indian/Irish/Creole

Chief Danette M. Verchér  is a direct descendent of Angélique (Hasinai) Charles Dumont, b. circa 1694 as a documented full blooded Hasinai Indian of the Hasini and Natchitoches Confederation of  Caddo Indian Tribes. Angélique died in March 19, 1758 in Campti, Natchitoches Louisiana as a Natchitoches Indian, and is buried in the Natchitoches Parish, Louisiana.

​​​Chief Danette M. Vercher, Ph.D.​​

(b. 1966-  ) ​
Her Holiness (Archbishop)
​#Diocese of: Canada and France
(Quebec)​ (Montmorency) 

​Tribal Name: Mourning Dove


*Dr. Danette M. Verchér

​Daughter of Michael and Barbara

Aboriginal (Native) American Indian


Clevester Woods



The Verchér Family

Dr. Danette M. Verchér is a documented Aboriginal (Native) American Indian, Council Chief and Tribal/Spiritual Mediator of the State Recognized Tribe "Natchitoches Tribe of Louisiana."  Dr. Verchér is the 6th great-granddaughter of Jacques Joseph Vercher, and direct descendant of Angélique Charles Dumont of the Hasini/Natchitoches Tribe and Caddo Confederacy.  Dr. Danette M. Verchér is the Great-great Granddaughter of McNealey "Sam" Verchér of Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus, and Granddaughter of the late "Sarah Rawls" known best around the world as the "ACCENT SEASONING" commercial personality; as well as the television personality chef on shows such as "People Are Talking and PBS; she was the Chef/Restaurateur of Sarah's Down Home Kitchens in the Bay Area, Southern California, and International, Cookbook Author, Jazz Artist and Sunset Magazine's featured Chef.  

Go to ANCESTRY.COM for more info: Search: Danette Michele Vercher

Chapter 13 - Shoshone

Other religious practices of the Shoshone include the Native American Church, adopted from the Plains Indians, as well as over half the tribe populations belonging to Christian sects such as Baptist, Roman Catholic, Latter Day Saint, and Episcopal religions (Eastern Shoshone, 2015).

Go to ANCESTRY.COM for more info: Search: Danette Michele Vercher

The Poirier Family

Biological Father

Michael W. Verchér, b. 1948 d. 2023

​Aboriginal - Native American Indian

Maternal Grandmother

(Della) Louise Lanier (ECHOLS)
b. 1917 d. 1977

​Iroquois/Cherokee/Choctaw/Modoc Indian

Paternal Grandfather

Leo Verchér b. 1922 d. 1996

​Aboriginal - Native American Indian

The Maubert Family

Angelique (Hasinai) Charles Dumont

7th Great-grandmother

100% American Indian

Angelique (Hasinai) Charles Dumont 100% Indian 


Paternal 6th great-grandfather
b.  1698 • Prairie of Ste Magdelaine,

Diocese, of, Canada (Chippewe)
d.  19 APR 1753 • 

Natchitoches, Louisiana, United States

Married: Catherine Angelique Dumont
b. 7 JAN 1675 • Ste Famille, lle Quebec, Canada
d.  JUL 1757 • Quebec, Quebec, Canada

 Paternal 6th great-grandmother



Joseph Eusteb Vercher

Marie Mailhot  

*Jacques Joseph Vercher​ (son)

Native American Indian Lower Canada

Saint Magdaline Prairie Reservation.

Charles Francois Dumont

Angelique Charles Dumont 100% Indian 

*Catherine Angelique Dumont (daughter)

Maternal Great Grandmother

Lockie Bowen b. 1906 d.


Iroquois Indian/Modoc/Moroccan

Please feel free to contact

Chief Danette M. Verchér, Ph.D.

Paternal Great Grandfather

Nealey McNealey (Sam) Verchér b. 1892 d. 1966


Native American Indian

The Dumont Family

Biological Mother

Barbara L. Woods-Hughey (VERCHER)

​b. 1948 -

*Shoshone/Cherokee/Choctaw/Iroquois/Modoc Indian, MOROCCAN